Compute Saver

Any AWS compute, anywhere in the world. Retain 100% flexibility and enjoy maximum savings. 

The first & only platform for AWS compute savings that is powered 100% by AWS compute savings plans.

50% off AWS compute

Monthly flexible

Maximum effective savings



All-in-one cloud health accounting, FinOps, and sustainability best practices.

Single platform to manage finops, greenops & instance reshaping.

20% compute efficiency unlocked

Set & hit sustainability goals

AI powered anomaly alerting



Dedicated FinOps and DevOps agent.

We trained an LLM on 20 years of AWS technical documents. We fed it your spending data & usage analytics.

Expert level technical accuracy

Creates and pulls custom data sets

Available 24/7 to empower your team


RI Manager

Enjoy suggestions on RI based savings for products not covered under your flexible savings plan. 

We’ve optimized 100s of customers so that AI can model your cost savings journey perfectly.

Supporting RDS, Elasticache, Opensearch and others

Modeled on 12 months of historical data and customized ML algorithms

Adjusts in real time to any cost or usage changes



Want to avoid paying for SPs you no longer need the moment your usage decreases? As autonomous as you need it to be.

Set it & forget it compute procurement policy. Want instant savings the moment your teams start using more compute?

Our customers enjoy 99% or better utilization of savings plans on average

Customer to customer SP handoffs can take as little as 24 hours

North’s customers are in the top 1% of AWS savers globally

Have any questions?

Get in touch with our team to learn about your savings potential or ask us anything you'd like!